There is lots of good news on the marketing front that I will share as it comes together (I'm not being a tease -- okay -- I am) but suffice it to say my book is being very well taken care of and I believe there are going to be lots of great ways some of you eager readers will be able to get a taste of The Last Bridge before it hits bookstores in July. (See, I got you interested didn't I?)
Over the past year I have had the opportunity to have a good number of people involved with the book and while there is a real satisfaction to being alone in a room with your story and the characters, it is amazing to share it and participate in the collaboration that takes your words on a page to flap, marketing and catalog copy, book covers (wait until I tell you about how beautiful mine is!) sales pitches, websites, etc. Every person that touches it enhances it.
Last night I was thinking about how the story is almost a living thing, it changes and grows as it moves toward publication to ultimately land in the hands of readers who will again, through their interpretation and reaction, give it a whole new shape and form. At the risk of sounding like I'm a teenage cast member from High School Musical -- it's pretty thrilling.
Okay -- I'm going to linger in this moment for a little bit longer -- then I have to get back to work. Just to be clear I mean work, work. Writing, for all of its' challenges has never been work, only joy.
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