Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Last Bridge Paperback Giveaway!

Want to win a $100 gift card?

Help me celebrate the May 25th paperback launch of The Last Bridge by giving away a copy of the book to anyone you want!

The first 25 people who email me will get a FREE copy of The Last Bridge to give away.
When you get your free copy, give it away to a friend, stranger, colleague at work, whoever you choose! Then tell me the story of how you did it and you'll be entered to win a $100 Target Gift Card! (The more interesting your story the better your chances!)

Winner will be announced on June 15th!

Follow these simple steps:
  1. Send an email to requesting your FREE copy and include your mailing address - the first 25 people who respond will get the book for FREE!*
  2. I will mail you a paperback copy of The Last Bridge for you to give to the reader of your choice
  3. Give the book to a designated recipient (extra points given for creative giveaways!)
  4. Post your story on my blog or on my facebook page to be eligible for the $100 Target Gift Card (Extra points for posting photos!)
  5. Gift card winner will be announced on June 15th!
Thank you for your continued support - and best of luck!

*You are also welcome to buy a copy for a friend and post your story as well!


Teri Ann said...

I received my copy of the Last Bridge on Friday and by Sunday had fulfilled my promise of giving it away, but not after a thorougly enjoying read. I am completely impressed that my former co-worker wrote such a deep and insightful book and was more than happy to pass it along to future readers. I selected my mother as the recipient of the book because she belongs to a book club who is always looking for a good read. After reading a few pages, I knew I shoud pass it along to her because its the type of book that the book club can truly discuss. Thank you Teri for an excellent read!

Anonymous said...

I flew halfway across the country to give away a copy of your novel!

Well, my husband and I were going to Portland Oregon to visit a friend, anyway... :-)

I gave the copy to my friend Bonnie, who I'd never met before in person. We'd met online because we're both fans of the 1980s detective series Riptide, but in addition, we also quickly bonded over a mutual love of books, both reading and writing them, so I wanted to bring her a gift or two when we finally got to meet face to face. She was so pleased to get your book, and I'm very excited to chat with her again when she finishes reading it after I've gone home.

Thank you -- both for writing such an interesting and thought-provoking novel AND for having this book give-away so I could pass it along to a lovely friend!!

tracydnn said...

Thanks for the book, I loved it. Due to family issues I have been driving to a hospital in St. Louis from Southern Il a couple of times a week for the last couple of weeks. I can say that I finished your book during one of those visits and I left the book in the waiting room with a note that said "Take and read." Someone took the book and I hope is reading. I hope they find some comfort in your book while being at the hospital. Looking forward to your next book.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for the copy of "The Last Bridge". I enjoyed it so much and I knew my sister would love it too. I passed it on to her and she passed it on to my niece. We all appreciate a great read!

Anonymous said...

I'm afraid I'm not going to make your deadline because I'm sooo enjoying your book. You have my word that I will pass it along. First I'll give it to my co-worker who is waiting for me to finish it, then I'm mailing it to my sister in Boston.
Wonderful, Teri! Just wonderful!

Kristen said...

Teri, I did a blog giveaway, and Aik from Malaysia won!

Thanks for doing this giveaway, and congratulations on your book being released in paperback.